After the salt bath, carefully rub the problem areas of the skin with a towel, then put on warm clothes and drink a cup of hot herbal or green tea by joey atlas scam. After 30-40 minutes, again, take a shower to wash off the salt, and apply anti-cellulite cream on the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and shoulders.
How to get rid of cellulite - How can we hated this annoying "orange peel"? Cellulite ... What kind of attack, and how to get rid of? First of all, let's understand what is cellulite? Take a look at the medical definition of the problem of cellulite: Cellulite - a particular disease acquired nature, in which, first of all, disturbed digestion of fats, but often it is accompanied by violation and assimilation of proteins, carbohydrates, and some mineral compounds, vitamins, and in some cases even water.
Dominant in the disease is still a violation of the disposal of fats, so a diet to effectively combat cellulite is always built on the principle of limiting fat intake. Here is another much more succinct definition: Cellulite - a violation of the blood supply of fat tissue. Cellulite - is an unusual phenomenon, the treatment of which requires the adoption of comprehensive measures. Why do we call cellulite unusual disease? Well, first, it, unlike 99% disease known to man, is not related with our immunity and because the risk of its occurrence every subject.
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