Thursday, 19 September 2013

Anti-cellulite roller cope with cellulite

What is cellulite?

Cellulite is a fatty tissue, which is composed of fat, water and waste and is trapped just below the skin. If disabled normal circulation of the blood, the toxin does not sweep away from the body. The volume of fat cells is burgeoning and cellulite. Substances which the body does not eliminate, accumulate in the deep layer of the skin in the intercellular space of fat and put pressure on small blood vessels, which then cannot be fat cells convey the normal amount of blood and nutrients. The result is tissue damage around, so it becomes inelastic deformation of the skin occurs by joey atlas scam.

Since cellulite is fat cell, which in its structure identical to other fat cells, with the difference that it is caught in the connective tissue beneath the thin skin is more often, seen in dry and overweight women.   To get rid of cellulite, you need to change habits If you want to get rid of cellulite is the most important thing is to change habits: stop smoking, Move, change your diet (reduce the intake of fat, carbohydrates, salt and alcohol intake and increase fiber),drink plenty of water, reduce stress, avoid too narrow clothing and high heels, and long-term condition in one place. It is necessary to strengthen the connective tissue and improve circulation to speed up the elimination of water and waste products from the body. With simple anti-cellulite body exercises will stimulate the circulation of blood, connective tissue will become firmer and tighter.

Over cellulite with anti-cellulite body technique and roller

While you exercise, massage your critical area of ​​anti-cellulite roller. Anti-cellulite roller is an excellent tool with which we work to reduce cellulite. The massage improves circulation and by breaking a fat pad under the skin surface. Improved blood circulation to improve skin health, elasticity, tone and appearance. The anti-cellulite roller directly to the skin, and indirectly on the nerves, subcutaneous adipose tissue and internal organs. It massaging the body. You can also put pressure on the acupressure points.

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