Wednesday, 18 September 2013

More silicon - less cellulite

The silicon to glowing appearance

In the absence of silicon skin becomes wrinkled and inflexible, appears cellulite, hair, and nails are brittle, brittle and dull, the connective tissue in the arteries, tendons and joints are less flexible bones and cartilage is brittle by joey atlas scam. This can be avoided by constantly renewed supplies of silicon, which makes regular use of silicon is crucial. But when choosing nutritional supplements as a source of silicon, we must be vigilant.

Silicon is a component of all living organisms, both plants and animals. In the earth's crust is the second most abundant element, while in the body is present only in trace amounts, since it has a total of only 1.4 g. A large part of it containing cells rapidly dividing (hair, nails, skin,), it is also necessary for all connective tissues, bones and cartilage. human organism cannot produce silicon, so we have to constantly receive the food. Silicon is found in many foods such as peas, soybeans, integrated cereals, grapes, turnips, brown rice, barley ... Larger amounts of silicon containing horsetail and diatoms. The meat is almost non-existent. Elderly fewer supplies the body with silicon is aging diminishes as the body gradually loses the ability desorption and storage silicon.

Scientists have found that younger people in the cells for 34 percent more silicon than people in later life. the colloidal silicon compounds tend to form large complexes of molecules and crystals. The organism is very difficult to absorb these large molecular complexes, and the positive effects of silicon in the use of many products cannot come to the fore. In order to facilitate the absorption of silicon is advisable to take the form of colloidal silicon (gel).

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