Garlic is a natural blood purifier and disinfectant. It promotes blood circulation, prevents varicose veins and eases digestion. Among other things, contains iodine and sulfur. It is best to eat raw, but because it leaves a bad breath, it can also be enjoyed in tablets or help yourself by chewing fresh parsley as said by joey atlas scam.
Germ of cereals
However, germ of cereals are a rich source of protein, grain, iron and vitamins B and E. Sprouts can bring home, even with a glass of investing. Keep them in the refrigerator in a closed jar. They are used in salads or muesli.
Among the most healthy sweetener (except maybe stevia), and an excellent source of energy. Between not only sweet but also has a lot of B vitamins and vitamin C. Do not heat the honey. For a drop of honey bee has to work 18 hours. Keep this in mind when you're eating and you use it sparingly enough.
Yogurt contains a lot of protein, calcium and vitamin B and helps maintain a healthy digestive system.
Yogurt is the perfect snack, dessert or a substitute for a meal when you do not have time. Also great as a dressing for pure yogurt without fruit, which are full of sugar and preservatives. If you want to make yoghurt dessert, add the fresh cut fruit or honey.
Cold-pressed vegetable oils
Although the oil of fat, in fact, contribute to the combustion of fat in the body. The best oils are coldpressed. Reach for coconut, olive, sunflower, sesame .... Selection is very large. Eat two tablespoons of oil a day.
Brewer's yeast
It contains all the proteins, rich in vitamins, especially vitamin B-complex. Brewer's yeast has a rough taste, but it's worth the effort. Brewer's yeast is in addition to the favorable impact of anti-cellulite also strengthen your hair and nails.
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