Saturday, 28 September 2013

Anti-cellulite oil at home

You should not deprive yourself of pleasure to make great shots that you can give to your loved ones and loved ones. Moreover, that the service " for rent studio in Moscow "is now quite popular as a professional photographer not only hide your flaws, but also turn them into advantages.

But the important thing is that you like yourself, and hence the others! Anti-cellulite oil at home: cooking and the use of the shelves of pharmacies and cosmetic stores are full of tools designed to combat cellulite. But who can guarantee that in the bottle are really natural ingredients that are actively fighting with orange peel? Joey Atlas scam Truth About Cellulite Program will tell you how to prepare and use anti-cellulite oil at home. Preparation of anti-cellulite oil - Anti-cellulite oil to cook at home does not take much, just need to know what kind of essential oil to base. To do so would be the best one of the following (completely available in our conditions) oils: almond oil, jojoba oil, olive oil, wheat germ oil or hazelnut.

The base should be about 20 ml. The basis of the need to add a mixture of essential oils, help reduce cellulite. Have these property oils of orange, grapefruit, eucalyptus, rosemary, cypress, bergamot and juniper. The approximate formula for the preparation of anti-cellulite oil at home: 1 tablespoon of the basics, plus 2 drops of the available essential oil on reduction of orange peel.

How to hide cellulite photo

How to hide cellulite photo - Overweight people or people with impaired skin does not always like to be photographed, because the move may not be visible flaws, but on a frozen frame they become apparent.

However, a professional photographer always knows a lot of tricks to inspire people with complexes of faith in his own photogenic. Joey Atlas scam Truth About Cellulite Program willing to share some of them: No doubt that the best quality photos you provide studio with the interior , it is here that you can adjust the proper lighting: dim the outline of the shape and curvy body, strange as it seems - emit light. In order to hide the full hips, you need to sit in a half-turn to the camera.

You will appear slimmer, if squared his shoulders and pull your stomach. In addition, head slightly up, you will get rid of double chin pictures. Good photographer will take you a little below - this technique will allow your legs look longer and slimmer. Pictures in the profile only accentuate the fullness and disadvantages. Do not press your hands to the body, so it will look massive.

Do not forget about the colors in clothes: warm will give you a visual completeness, and vertical objects cold colors - harmony. If you believe that any chosen position will not help you hide cellulite, ask the photographer about retouching images in Photoshop.

the range is quite diverse corrective underwear

In addition, such tights increase the tone and improve posture; they will help hide cellulite if you are going out for the evening in an elegant skin-tight dress by joey atlas scam. However, we should not hope for a miracle - Waist tights do not turn you into a fashion model, and only reduce your size by one.

 Shapewear - Today the range is quite diverse corrective underwear - knickers, panties, garter belt and grace have good slimming properties. Your task - the correct selection of a suitable model taking into account the medical requirements: clothes should not you pull, but only follow the contours. Give preference underwear made of microfiber, it will not be hot in summer, but in winter it will warm clothes. In addition, it is very hygienic and suitable for women who have had surgery.

Hide cellulite and tighten up problem areas will help you to Waist shorts or trousers. And if you choose seamless pattern, you can easily put on a slinky dress. Under the brim with free clothing is best to wear panties open, and under tight fitting pants - pants that are tucked thighs, buttocks and hips. Grace with under an evening dress in addition to the correction of the lower body accentuates the waist, but not so for owners of magnificent forms, there are models of the Graces with the opportunity to increase the volume of the breast.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Greatest hips and thighs exercises for a head turning hip and thigh area

The definition of sexy hips and thighs can mean different things to different women. may have some extra fat and flab that needs to be reduced or removed. Some may be too thin and flat empty shape or sexy curves by joey atlas scam.

Others may just have too much cellulite to even think about wearing shorts, a bathing suit or a sexy skirt. 's bad news (good news comes later) is that there is so much information from a non infinite number of sources that the simple act of finding out what to do and where to start extremely frustrating and sometimes overwhelming.

This is one of the main reasons why most women do not make improvements to their body and health. confusion and uncertainty led to feelings of hopelessness and despair and the depressing cycle of failure continues. news, advertising, internet schemes, staged infomercials are constantly touting the 'latest breakthrough ® ¡¯ treatments, medications, therapies, vitamin concoctions and gizmos. information overload is targeted at the deepest pains of women and the things that bother them most.

 By tapping into the emotional hot buttons, creating more pain and then offers a new hope for ¡¯, smart marketers can take a lot of money from desperate Women who may be willing to try one more thing that ¡® ¡¯ their last hope. only to find they've been lied to and scammed again.

Here's the good news. enhancements ask you about your hip and thigh area can be achieved with little or no cost and can be right in your own home. a series of simple and targeted exercises for your hips and thighs you can re-shape and sculpt a firm and attractive lower body. Some of the best hip and thigh exercise is to around for decades. Although some have withstood the test of time ¨ C they have been slightly modified and become less effective in the process. Some have been forgotten completely, for no apparent reason, but can still occasionally be found being used by a small number of creative and insightful personal trainers and fitness pros who understand how and why the body reacts with specific exercises. exercises floor, like a leg hip extension and 90 degree thigh lift should be combined with multi dimensional, standing exercises such as stepping tee-dee and the slow part of measures to stimulate the All the muscles in the hips and thighs. it does not matter if your main goal is fat loss or muscle toning want to build up a flat and shapeless butt, hip and thigh area with an eye catching , beautifully sculpted lower body ¨ C the right home exercise plan can help you get there.

 The only difference between toning down and building up the calorie factor. looking for women to tone down is to keep the calories in check while women who want to build up may have to increase the long hot daily use. For women who are plagued by cellulite but happy body size and weight is just to add the right hip and thigh exercises that target trouble spots to bring about the desired changes ¨ C without having to change caloric intake. there is a ton of information on the internet about this subject and I've seen a lot of them. Most of talking about the same old things ¨ C squats, lunges, leg presses, leg extensions and leg curls. stay away from work if you are not interested in working out like a bodybuilder for 2 hours a day. machines and weight is fine for specific purposes and they do have a place in many fitness programs.

But for the changes you are looking at your hips and thighs the best exercises utilize body weight, gravity, form, and tempo combination sequences to deliver the best results.

Easy thigh shaping exercises to make your thighs firm and sexy

Thigh exercises with barbells, dumbbells and cumbersome machines. that is all you are reading about before you got to this article by joey atlas scam. I know, because I've seen what you've looked at before you came here. has been one of the main reasons why I chose to write this article.

But, before I get to what you need to know about the highly effective and surprisingly simple thigh exercises that you can do anywhere, anytime - without the heavy weight and dangerous exercise machines, I want to give you the My usual experience-based perspective 'weights and machines - bodybuilder, weightlifter, old-school personal trainer' approach to fitness for women. no the only way of doing something that can be done some other way. and it is certainly not right for everyone. fitness instructors and trainers are trained to teach people how to lift weights and use machines.

This is fine - but it is only one element in the larger picture of the way to pursue fitness. 's some of the most effective workouts for toning and shaping your thighs is achieved with no loss and no equipment. factors such of bodyweight, gravity, speed of movement, form and sequence of exercises are combined link and give anyone a targeted, delivering results lower body workout realistic enough to be a regular routine for any woman. these elements, when following a consistent basis - as part of a regular fitness routine, combined with a sophisticated nutritional intake in line with a women's specific health and fitness goals can produce results that success stories are made ​​out of. thigh area is loaded with a bunch of different muscles of different lengths, shapes and thickness.

Furthermore, the roles of these all different muscles. However, they should all coordinate with each other to perform the movements we are capable of. by taking advantage of the anatomical factors, a complete workout routine thigh exercises can be devised and implemented to results that is second to none. It does not matter if the goal is to not need to lose fat and cellulite while firming the muscles underneath or if the goal is to build up shapely and add muscle tone with a flat and slim hip and thigh area - the exercises are just as effective in both cases.

The major difference in these two cases caloric intake. whether we have a woman with forty seven pounds of extra body fat - mostly in the lower body, and we get another woman too skinny, with no muscle tone - just a few flabby skin and maybe some cellulite. The exercise routine can be almost identical - since the desired end results are almost the same. but due to differences in starting points, there has to be a difference in caloric intake. one promoting fat loss and muscle toning other muscles promoting some growth and shaping. Both subjects are trying to improve the same area of their body.

Cellulite Solution

Cellulite ... womans a worse experience, but what the hell is this? well you know it as orange peel, lumpy mattress, golf ball, dimples or even craters! current cellulite is said to cause impairment connective tissue between the skin and the underlying fat according to joey atlas scam.

Therefore, fat bottom pushes out slighlty causing the orange peel look. it's not just you that cellulite affects. models, athletes, office workers, mothers are all at risk. There are many factors that contribute to and aggravate cellulite some of which are stress, weight gain, a sedentary lifestyle, hormonal contraceptives and inflammation.

While cellulite affects all shapes and sizes, body fat levels play a major role in worsening the appearance of it. 'll be entered grade 2?! grade 2 cellulite is the first stage where the conditions are seen. It usually starts behind the glutes or thighs. What can you do about it? The best type of treatment is to reduce things like those mentioned above. But the basic foundation for any treatment rests with diet and exercise ... Eat healthy and be active! 're overweight you? so the appearance of cellulite may look even worse. There are many pills, creams and oitments offering magical cures.

However, most of these products either make short term or disappointing results. has been widely accepted by lowering your body fat and toning your muscles cellulite can be lessened or even correct the appearance . Therefore, the time to start exercising and start eating that little bit healthier.

Okay, you've decided to make the commitment to exercise but what do you do now? exercises, for how long? 's plan ... You want to lose weight and tone up. The most important cause of fat gain and losses is your resting metabolic rate, it is the rate at which you burn calories while resting. It's all very well going to the gym and burning calories when you have but what happens when you're at home? You need to rev up your resting metabolic rate to burn more calories when you are sitting at home watching TV.

After all, to lose weight all you have to do is burn more calories than you are taking in the exercises you need to know! First off cardio, idealy 5 times a week for 60 min. good form of cardio along, brisk walking, running, cycling, elliptical, etc. However, if you really want to rev up your metabolism you need to do some interval training willenable you to burn faster at a rate calories after the exercise is finished. Interval training is repeated bouts of high intensity exercise interupted by short periods of rest.

Again, any of the above exercises can be used. An example is the run for 1 minute and 90-100% of maximum effort, followed by another 2-3 min. This repeated 10-15 times. You should try the train between the two times a week. weight training ... You will not get big! not / do! never! Women simply do not have enough testosterone in their bodies to get big like men do. Weight training is the core of your cellulite management program.

Fighting cellulite aromatherapy

In today's world, do mean everything. Many women are living lives that promote health and beauty. They get plenty of sleep every night, eat right, and get plenty of exercise. However, they are still plagued with unsightly cellulite. underlying layers of fat that appears as dimpled skin caused by cellulite. Some people refer to cellulite as "cottage cheese" or "orange peel" skin because of its appearance by joey atlas scam.

It is said that almost 95% of all women have some degree of cellulite, and scientists believe that the hormones associated with causes of cellulite. This is not a result of being overweight, but the effect that hormones having the layer of fat under the skin. that's why some are still very thin people can have some degree of cellulite.

The most effective method is shown to help cellulite is exercise. It is also beneficial to treat cellulite as you would any other toxins in the body. cleaning and detoxifying the body is very helpful, as periodically fasting and cleansing the body. living a life that includes regular daily exercise and a nutrition rich diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables also help. a place that can not be overlooked is water. Your use of the water can play an important role in the treatment of cellulite.

Drinking plenty of water will help flush the system and help to release cellulite once it is broken down by the body and be eliminated properly. cellulite can have a very devastating effect on self-esteem. This may be especially true for women who are dedicating themselves to maintaining their personal appearance and standards of beauty. It will be increasingly frustrating to deal with stubborn cellulite that seems to resist all efforts of its removal. important step in the treatment of cellulite is patience.

You will find that you need to stick to your plan, continue exercising, and be diligent in your fight against cellulite. has some great herbs and plants that can help you in your quest to rid yourself of cellulite . These herbs help to break down fat deposits in the body, and it will help to eliminate them.

Remember that drinking plenty of water is essential to flushing the system and removing impurities, so when you are in a treatment against cellulite, increase your daily intake of water for maximum results. using herbal essential oils massage oils are a great way to treat cellulite and to help encourage them to break down. Grapefruit has been shown to be effective in increasing metabolism and helps in the removal of fat as well as releasing toxins.

Dealing with Cellulite

Cellulite is one of the most common problems women try to deal with every day. Cellulite is actually fat deposits under the skin, yes girls fat. excess fat under the skin, where there is cellulite, is uneven causing a bumpy, dimply appearance of the skin by joey atlas scam. these people can get cellulite well but it is not as common in men as it is in women. most cellulite appears on the buttocks or thighs which is more fat part of the female body. 's causes of cellulite:

 1. genes - women have more fat in the thighs and buttocks for pregnancy reasons, some women have more fat than others and some have oil, depending on the family genes.

 2. hormones imbalance, excess female hormone, estrogen, can cause weakening of the connective tissue which allows to get fat tissues and creates a bumpy texture of the skin.

 3. Nutrition People who do not watch their diet and eat junk food with less toxics and fats in their body which is exported under the tissues causing cellulite. has different ways to treat cellulite, some doing better than others.

 The results are very individual and every woman should find the best treatment for her cellulite. many natural ways to treat cellulite by using seaweeds, oils, such as rosemary oil, sesame oil , cinnamon oil, and so on. has different products which can help to treat cellulite, such as special creams and lotions. there are also different types of devices for cellulite treatment can be used at home or in salons. 's best results may come when combining treatment with a daily balanced diet, which includes, vegetables, fruits, whole bran, etc.: exercise, even just a daily walk; special massages; quitting smoking, and more. whether you suffer from cellulite is not just live with it, go see a doctor and find the best solution for your problem .

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Eye bags under eyes - how to get rid of puffy eyes

Puffy eyes are a condition where the eyes begin swelling due to different factors. The skin around the eyes is very thin and full of blood vessels too sensitive. usually puffy eyes will go away after a little bit of time or some treatments done at home. generally swollen eyes usually disappear after the other or the problem can be dealt with treatments done at home by joey atlas scam.

However, puffy eyes are also indications of additional eye condition that may require an examination by eye care experts. in cases where puffy eyes are critical and ongoing or are associated with pain, restlessness, blurry vision, or additional conditions the advice of a professional eye specialist care should be sought. symptoms of swelling or swelling Eyes:

* puffiness or swelling of the upper and lower eyelids, usually in the morning.

* occasional itching and / or redness.

* not able to open or close the eyes. puffy eyes causes what causes puffy eyes ? There are all manner of insidious reason people develop swollen eye syndrome. Here are some common reasons for puffy eyes:

* fluctuating hormone levels, increasing the likelihood that your body will retain fluid around the thin skin under your eyes.

* edema or fluid retention throughout the body. Some reasons for this include pain, swelling and fatigue. Pregnancy also causes increasing edema in women.

* dehydration, whether from drinking too little water or from a hangover. Either way, the only cure is more water.

when trying to get rid of puffy eyes, eye creams and gels may or may not work. However, various cold compresses are known to show dramatic improvements in short periods of time. ice cold milk, ice cold water, ice cubes, eye creams and gels chilled in the refrigerator, and cold facial masks can all help to get rid of puffy eyes when used as a compress.

When using liquids such as milk or water ice, use a cotton ball and then squeeze most of the liquid before applying. compresses usually require about 10 to fifteen minutes to get rid of puffy eyes while ice cubes should not be used for more than willingly tolerated skin. using cold remedies to get rid of puffy eyes often work faster results.

This is simply because the colder temperatures reduce inflammation, which is part of the cause of a puffy eye look. By reducing inflammation, many people find their puffy eyes disappear altogether while other people find their puffiness has reduced but color remains. fruits and vegetables like strawberry, apple, cucumber, and potato slices will help both the puffiness and colors.

How to make a man fall in love with you

Perhaps it is easy how to make a man fall in love with you than someone wanting to make a girl fall in love with him. Of course, the end result may be the same but the thing is the only difference arises because in the suggestion coming from a girl this time round by joey atlas scam.

 When a woman or a woman likes a man, in as many cases I have known, the girls did not have to know how to make someone fall in love with you; women are gifted in many ways and only one of them. okay, but how to make a man fall in love with you really?

Are not there are steps you can take to make someone love you? Let's put it another, it is a very own heart and personal issues that prepared the steps made ​​to work for you. For me, getting help with step-by-step guide on just how to make a man fall in love with you is a waste of time and so is akin to compromising your true strength for third party dictated way something so special.

Let's go back to the first thing, it is probably easier for women to get men to love them than the other way round. If women can do it easily, it is because of their gifted characteristics such natural beauty, killer eyes, compassionate nature, mannerisms and their complete dedication to their loves. If you really want to know the secret on how to make a man fall in love with you, here they are.

 Make use of your best quality at a better targeted way up, the first thing a man likes a woman has its advantages but it will only take you half way. What you take on the road how to make a man fall in love with you is your honesty, integrity, propriety, witticisms, humor. need to pick up clues that people are getting pushed in the direction and Repair re your plans. need to cleverly motivate people to lower her guard, perhaps by admitting your mistakes small first and then get closer with hottie, candy side of yourself.

When your sense of timing says it is right, it's time to highlight your feminine features. see that this is the final act of a man waiting for. Do you still want to know how to make a man fall in love with you? michael s. Francis is a SEO consultant free phone chat line. If you are looking for a 100% free phone chat line in the United States never charges a fee, click here phone number for free chat line.

Facial Resurfacing and an anti wrinkle cream go hand in hand

Let's face it (no pun intended), getting older is a natural progression of the life cycle. This will happen whether we like it or not by joey atlas scam.

Many of us who are beginning to show signs of aging do not like it one bit. Fortunately, the ingenuity of human kind has given us options in battling the tell-tale signs of aging: age spots, dark circles, bags under the eyes, fine lines, crows feet, furrows, creases, and wrinkles by joey atlas scam. two of the most effective treatments for aging skin "nonablative" facial rejuvenation and an anti aging wrinkle cream.

 Together, they help make treatment and maintain softer, more youthful-looking skin. for you, the consumer, it is important to know how these treatments work and what to expect. We will start with face resurfacing. facial resurfacing employs the use of a laser that strips away the outer layers of damaged skin leaving a newly exposed layer to heal bringing about a smoother, younger, and more equitable pigmented skin tone. It is important to specify the type of facial resurfacing may want to undergo is called "nonablative". Nonablative or disease-free facial resurfacing does not remove the outer layer on the surface of the skin. "nonablative" facial resurfacing has become increasingly more popular because it is quick, noninvasive, and affordable.

In fact, the process is so fast that it is often completed in time for lunch showing signs undergoing a powerful anti aging treatment. You may be wondering how all this works, since "nonablative" facial resurfacing does not remove the surface layer of the skin. That's the beauty of this breakthrough anti aging treatment. It rejuvenates the skin from the inside out. The results are unmistakable: younger-looking skin, with more collagen stimulation and improved elasticity. whether or not you choose this type of skin, following a day-to-day skin care regiment care in an anti aging wrinkle cream is a great way to improve andor maintain your skin's appearance.

With so many anti aging products competing for your attention, it can be difficult to choose the right one. There are six breakthrough anti aging ingredients to look for in an anti aging wrinkle cream formula. 1. silicone dioxide component is more effective against fine lines and wrinkles.

It comes in the form of billions of microscopic three-dimensional crystals that fill vacant spaces caused by wrinkles. In doing so, these crystals refract light causing the wrinkle vanish. 2.dithiolane-3-Pentanic acid (D3PA) D3PA is a natural compound produced in the body, but as we age its levels drastically diminish resulting the inability of the body to fight off collagen-attacking free radicals. An anti aging wrinkle cream containing this ingredient will stimulate the body's production of D3PA. 3. idebenone independent studies have shown that this antioxidant helps protect skin from environmental damage, diminishes the appearance of fine lines and smoothes the skin's texture. 4. ascorbyl palmitate this compound is formulated joined by vitamin C (super antioxidant) and palmitic acid. The newly created compound stabilizes the effectiveness of vitamin C in fighting free radicals. Avoid creams that only contain vitamin C instead of the aforementioned combination. alone, vitamin C is a harsh skin irritant. 5. Deanol when topically applied to the skin, causing the skin ingredient firm while toning the muscles underneath.

Hollywood is Deanol applying lip for years resulting in increased blood flow to the area which gives the desired appearance of fuller lips. 6. Acetyl hexapeptide-3 and omega, acetyl hexapeptide-3 is touted as the ultimate botox alternative. has been shown to produce similar effects as Botox without injections or paralysis of the treated area. rather than paralyzing the treated area, acetyl hexapeptide-3 just blocks nerve signals that control facial muscle contractions. an anti aging wrinkle cream possessing as many as the above ingredients will do wonders for your skin.

There is a product that incredibly convincing contains all 6 ingredients. This is called LifeCell. Finally, "nonablative" facial rejuvenation and an anti aging wrinkle cream, like LifeCell, is a perfect one-two punch against the signs of aging. Now, get in the ring and repair some skin damage.

Botox, collagen injections, and a better alternative

If you have not heard of the latest treatments in the battle against wrinkles, Botox and collagen injections, then you are probably shunned all forms of media. injection techniques are increasingly more popular than ever with little to no signs of letting up. The anti-aging treatments use external agents to fill folds and crinkles or by relaxing the muscles that create wrinkles and fine lines by joey atlas scam.

 While the media continues to rave about the effectiveness of Botox and collagen injections in treating wrinkles, all is not glitter and gold. As with many skin care products, comes a downside to the hype. We start with a type of botulinum toxin, better known as Botox. whether you are paying the slightest attention to breakthroughs in the skin care industry, then Botox injections are at the top of the list. It is almost impossible to see, hear, or read about anti-aging skin care without Botox to mention the conversation.

 Botox is derived from a bacterium that causes botulism, a type of food poisoning. Botulism is very dangerous and can cause paralysis and in some cases, death if it goes untreated. Botox is a watered-down version of the botulism toxin. Botox treatments are used to fight forehead lines, crow's feet feet, and other types of wrinkles. One of the biggest selling points for this type of treatment is a quick and easy way of eliminating unsightly wrinkles. Botox is by far one of the best ways for treating motion or expression wrinkles By paralyzing the affected muscles but that's where the benefits end.

 Here's what you probably did not know about Botox injections: 1. Botox injections are absolutely no effect on diminishing the effects of sun-damaged skin 1 cause of premature aging), fine lines, rough skin, acne scars, uneven pigmentation, or age spots. 2. regular injections actually thin the skin causing skin problems. 3. The effects of Botox injections wear off within 3 to 6 months requiring constant and costly maintenance because your wrinkles are only being treated externally. 4. and finally, the skin adjacent to where a patient receives Botox injections may be wrinkled. now that you have a little more information about Botox, what about collagen?

Collagen injections are a little less eccentric than Botox for treating wrinkles but almost as popular. Collagen injections are effective against fine lines and wrinkles that are not caused by facial expressions. Thus, the treatment is effective against wrinkles Botox can not hide. It is characterized by collagen injected into the dermis layer tough skin and smooth out wrinkles. has three types of collagens available today, cow, avian, and human collagen. bovine collagen is more common and is derived from cows and then purified to make it resemble human collagen. Some individuals are allergic to bovine collagen, so skin testing is required before treatment begins.

The same goes for avian collagen which is produced from birds. Collagen is injected at the site of wrinkles and causes mild discomfort. The collagen treatment lasts up to 6 months. according to your age and the deeper lines form on your skin, the injections lose their power and require more frequent treatments, as every few weeks. Fortunately, the science of anti- aging skin care continues to create more effective treatments to battle the signs of aging. One of the most promising alternative to Botox and collagen injections are a compound called acetyl hexapeptide-3.

There is evidence that produces the same results as Botox minus the needle, toxicity, cost or risk of damage to the skin. This breakthrough skin care ingredient can be found in an all-in-one skin cream called LifeCell quietly shaking the skin care products industry.

Do we know what to eat and what not to eat?

Nutrition affects not only the condition of our body, but also, and perhaps more importantly, our minds. The food we eat keeps our bodies in good shape and working efficiently. It provides energy, strengthens our immune system and improves our minds. Although many people shun fat and meat, it is established that they are central to the brain, and this fact must be carefully considered by joey atlas scam.

 There are still many misconceptions about nutrition, for example, vitamin A help to lose weight; enzymes burn fat; weight gain is due to fatty foods, so food is the solution; obesity is connected only with food, and so on. Instead of relying on oversimplified generalizations, it is important to devise a moderate diet from all food groups, including proteins and animal products, because they remove toxins from the intestines and body supply with natural vitamins and minerals. It is good to eat in small amounts, but often - perhaps four to five times a day - because this way of eating reduces the chance of plaque production in the blood and prevents it from storing its internal organs and arteries .

It was established that most physical ailments, especially the leading causes of death - heart attack - are caused by improper nutrition. one of the first dietitians, William Banting, wrote as long ago as the mid- 19th century, "all the maladies which concern the human race, I do not know nor can I imagine anything worse than obesity." According to the Dutch medical specialists, people who get a significant amount of weight after the age of 35-40, shorten their lives by approximately seven years. Also, "if a 40-year-old woman smokes and is overweight, he will live, on average, 13.3 years less than a non-smoking woman standard weight."

When we speak of proper nutrition, it is necessary that we associate it with longevity. quality of life in old age is not about turning the clock to maintain an artificial extension or re young, but rather, to increase longevity and make life healthier, happier and more fulfilling in the age limit. It is no coincidence that the Japanese boast the best nutrition to their population, and their average lifespan is 82.5 years for women and 76.2 years for men. appropriate combination of carbohydrates, proteins and fats that directly affect brain activity, and consequently, influence our intellectual capabilities.

 Carbohydrates feed the brain, slow down protein absorption rate carbohydrate, and fat aids in the production of hormones that make us happy and also helps in balancing the nutritive chemicals in the blood stream. In addition to the major food categories, trace amounts of certain elements and minerals can have a profound influence on health. For example, the selenium contained in dairy products alleviates stress and is a great defense against aging. is it possible to become happier through proper nutrition? Most certainly the answer is "yes!" The human brain is composed of and maintained by a certain number of building blocks, provided by nutrition.

The brain needs fats, amino acids and proteins to sustain its solid structure. When these elements are lacking or insufficient, the brain loses functional efficiency, which in turn causes accelerated aging. never avoid fat altogether for fear that it may clog arteries. On the contrary, certain fats, such as those found in olive or sunflower oil, cod-liver oil, almonds, peanuts and walnuts are important and essential.

These are the fats that structure of nerve cells in the brain. the terms of fat should be closely monitored, so it does not damage brain function. Protein is also significant importance. enzymes, allowing the cells to receive messages, and some neuro-meridians, are actually proteins comprising different proportions of amino acids in the diet. the conclusion that the brain needs protein to stimulate proper work. meat, eggs and dairy products supply the necessary animal protein in the human body. It has been proven that a lack of vitamin B-9 is the chief contributor to memory loss during aging process, and the liver and strengthens the memory support. Vitamin B-9 is contained in whole grains, egg yolks, beans, walnuts and spinach. If we add vitamin B-6 and B-12, contained in fish and meat, we will make a healthy blend that guarantees us the memory strength.

The ancient Roman physician Galen recommended walnuts for stimulating brain activity. His proposal is based on the ancient theory that the body's organs should be treated with foods that resemble them, and walnut, with its convoluted surface, is in fact resemble the folds of the human brain. Thou shalt theory is obviously superceded the biochemistry of metabolism, modern medicine confirms that walnuts stimulate intellectual abilities, tumors and prevent heart disease and lower bad cholesterol.

 That is why it is important to consume no less than one ounce of walnuts per day, at least three times a week. Vitamin E, which is an important element of olives, walnuts as well as other foods, protects the biological membranes from aging. broccoli, peppers, cabbage, lemons, oranges and other products containing vitamin C has a direct influence on the circulation of blood to the brain. and to prevent the reduction of red blood cells, which supply oxygen to the brain, we need to include iron-rich foods in our diet.

DR. Jill halterman research at the University of Rochester showed that students with low amounts of iron in their blood scored lower on tests. Further research showed lower IQ scores in children, vegetarian girls, in contrast to the girls of the same age who enjoyed a balanced diet. 's bread / pasta food group, especially whole-grain and multi- grain, is perfect for fuel in the brain, and the lack of rice, lentil and glucose causes hypoglycemia and dulls brain function.

Prevent bloating before your wedding day

Your big day is just two weeks away and your crazy schedule at work and at home and the fact that you are eating poorly and all stressed out it suddenly occurs to you? "What if I retain water and end up all bloated and feel like a soggy marshmallow my dream wedding dress?" You have spent countless hours planning and dreaming about your wedding day now is fast approaching by joey atlas scam.

 As you count down the days the panic begins to set in. How do I prevent the all too familiar pre-wedding bloating experienced by so many brides on their wedding day? Naturally, we as women can Ideally, I would simply starve myself and drink a lot of fluids within a few days before my wedding. If I do this maybe it will help to drop a bit of weight and reduce some of that nasty cellulite on my body? right? wrong! Did you know that water retention is directly linked to what you eat, drink and your daily habits? bloating is mainly caused by dehydration. the loss of body water can cause constipation. and the corresponding lack of bowel movement definitely sticking. Here are six tips to follow for at least 1-2 weeks before your big day:

 1. Drink 8? 10 glasses of water a day. Drinking less fluid will not cure water retention and can actually make it worse. So drink plenty of water to flush the toxins from your body. Cellulite is a form of fat remain in water. When the body can not get rid of wastes and toxins it tends to store cellulite.

 2. Try to eliminate salts and refined sugars from your diet. If you can not eliminate these types of foods then at least cut down on their use as much as you possible can.

 3. Get some exercise. Go for a brisk walk, even if it is only 10 minutes. movement helps you lymphatic system drain and gets the blood pumping which increases circulation. You have poor circulation can cause water retention?

 4. Do not skip meals. much as you may think it is wise, low calorie diets have been shown to increase water retention. But do avoid high fat foods. include protein in your day-to-day activities. While you're running around getting all the last minute details finished remember to reach for a yogurt, some cottage cheese or make yourself a protein shake. One of the most important nutrients to prevent water retention is protein.

 5. Cut down on caffeine and alcohol. These liquids cause dehydration, plus they are empty calories. 6. Take a good multivitamin. find one that has a high content of vitamin B (12 and 6). Stress robs your body of essential vitamins, plus you're probably not eating as healthy as you should. Vitamin B is especially good to do when you are under stress, or bloating.

Living generously the Wise Woman Way

Living generously is a theme that plays strong in many women's lives. As women, our social conditioning - and often motivate our hearts - is live generously by giving generously. and we will provide something we assured access to: ourselves. generosity that flows though us and through our lives. We give to friends, mates, children, community, even needy strangers by joey atlas scam.

Many women live generously by literally giving themselves away. but we need to be generous to ourselves as well to say that we are truly living generously? ok! Suppose we take time for ourselves, indulge yourself with a special diet, buy new clothes for ourselves, treat ourselves to a massage or a spa weekend. it is enough to say that we live generously? few of my most important teachers, after knowing me for a while, telling me that I was not generous. Since I make it a point to surround himself, and all those within my sphere, with abundance, this comment really took me aback. "What," I demanded my mentor Jean Houston, "do you mean?" "I mean reserve yourself: you hold.

You have much more that you can share, much more you can do." live generously, as he saw it, was to bring as much as yourself with all the things you can do. to throw yourself into it. another teacher told me to "jump into the volcano. glacial lake jump. otherwise you will just be a warm drink." I have done my best to incorporate these teachings, remember that living generously means living every second to its fullest. It means being generous with my true self, being generous with all of my emotions (anxiety as well as love, despair and joy as well), generous my ground (I own 55 acres of forested Catskill beauty), generous with my teachings (for almost forty years). has always been important to me that no one is denied access to my teaching for lack of money. But I discovered quite quickly giving away my teaching is not fair to me or my students.

It devalues ​​my worth. It devalues ​​the worth of my teaching. and it devalues ​​the worth students and lowers their self-esteem. in Germany, a woman wanted to attend my workshop. he could not pay, she said, for he lived off his own land and have no money. I asked them to give me something important as I will be teaching him. He insisted he did nothing. I insisted back that all is something of value when they look for it. He will attend the workshop, comes with a hand-made basket filled with her ​​own preserves, honey from his bees, fresh produce, and a woven sweater. his hands strengthened its left and its ready to receive. him a space in itself.

He shook off the embarrassment that told her she was gone. he was compelled to take me abundantly with what is offered. In this case, for me, living generously meant not giving, but demanding that my energy will meet and reciprocated. Barter does not always work out so well, though. payment in lieu of money, I am often asked to accept the job unskillful and art useless to me.

How can I live generously in this situation? How can I gain, how can I support, abundance and generosity of my students? do not by taking from my much to make up for their lack, but by eliciting and support their own worth. not by making it easy for them, but by doing so hard. Scholarship students pay half of their paid work at my homestead. I offer a work / learn days and no cash value.

Those with a thirst for knowledge flourish when given the job and accept corrections with a smile. Those who do not make use of my teaching shirk their work, feel when corrected abused, and generally give up and quit - often cursing me. So, live generously leaves room for people warmed by my fire and nourished by my words and actions come and drink deeply, while propelling people feel "burned" by My passion outside of my life. More joy for everyone! live generously comes from my excess, not from my source.

A Mexican midwife admonished me: "give your flowers. give your leaves. give your secret. least give your bones. but never, never, give your roots." So I choose to live generously, to live passionately. The world is filled with green blessings.

Every breath is a give-away dance. Will not you join me? Susun Weed PO Box 64 Woodstock, NY 12498 Fax: 1-845-246-8081 Visit Susun Weed at: wise woman center and Ash Tree Publishing vibrant, passionate, and involved, Susun Weed has garnered an international reputation for her groundbreaking lectures, teachings, and writings on health and nutrition. She challenges conventional medical approaches with humor, insight, and her vast encyclopedic knowledge of herbal medicine.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Get rid of cellulite

Get rid of cellulite before the arrival of summer with Truth about cellulite torrent by Joey Atlas Creams, massage or diet: choose the best treatment for your degree of problem IN MY LIFE with Truth about cellulite reviews by Joey Atlas scam

 With summer coming near, the problem back to scare. The Cellulite bothers most women and no wonder: the holes cause the greatest shame. Cellulite arises due to fatty lumps that form in the subcutaneous region. They prevent oxygenation and nutrition cell, causing the appearance of orange peel skin. The blood and lymphatic circulations are also affected, says the beautician Luisa Casoria, São Paulo's hormonal changes make women more susceptible to the problem, beyond the aesthetic discomfort, can bring pain, swelling in the legs and psychological problems.

The aesthetic treatment, in general, provides great results. But they all need to be combined with good nutrition, regular exercise, and smoking cessation. Brazilian Society of Aesthetic Medicine estimates that cellulite affects eight out of ten women Western, leaving ripples in the legs, thighs, butt and in sometimes even in the belly. If you are one of them, follow the below tips from the experts to get to summer skin lamina. Treatments for Cellulite Cellulite grade How: it only appears when you press the skin with Truth about cellulite reviews by Joey Atlas

Toxins and the Cellulite

From these movements, toxins and other metabolic wastes flushed, which stimulates blood circulation and therefore improves the skin's appearance as a whole," says dermatologist Carolina Macron, Brazilian Society of Dermatology (SBD).

 The drainage also plays an important role in the regions affected by cellulite because it helps to eliminate small lumps of fat trapped in the tissue. Therefore, the method is usually very effective in combating the problem, besides, of course, to end the bloated feeling.

Products to fight cellulite with Truth about cellulite reviews by Joey Atlas scam Five creams promise to improve the appearance of orange peel, typical of cellulite. They contain active consecrated to improve skin texture and are delicious to use:

 1. My Silhouette, Novae It has two assets to improve the body contour: white tea to limit fat storage in cells and anise extract to enhance collagen.

 2. Retinol Anti-Cellulite, Roc While caffeine acts in the breakdown of fat cells, retinol stimulates collagen formation, decreasing the skin relief. The aluminum lid preserves assets and facilitates pump

 3. Fit Gel, Vive Cosmetic Caffeine helps in the breakdown of fat cells. The menthol and camphor cools the skin and promise to reduce measures.

 4. Cellulite / Reverse, Lankly The aniline is a new substance that prevents the stock and stimulates the breakdown of fat cells. Among other assets: caffeine (active in fat cells), urea (moisturizer), HMC (ant flaccidity) and (draining action) with Truth about cellulite torrent by Joey Atlas

Meet aesthetic treatments

Meet aesthetic treatments to fight cellulite with Truth about cellulite info by Joey Atlas scam Methods include massage, injection and even electromagnetic radiation

 Even the models body more sequin can escape it today. Hours sitting, slipping some influence on diet and genetic make this the most dreaded problem of beauty in the everyday female. About 85% of women over the age of 35 living with cellulite , according to dermatologist Carolina Macron, Brazilian Society of Dermatology (SBD).

Such inflammation is divided into three grades, depending on the depth of the holes and up consistency of the skin (firmer or flaccid). At level 1, the Cellulite appears when the skin is pressed while in the second no stimulation is needed to notice the problem. Already grade 3, in addition to presenting holes deep, wide and large quantity, can cause the sensation of pain. "No aesthetic treatment against cellulite works without changes in diet and exercise treasury departments," says dermatologist. "We need to reduce the consumption of sugar and fat, and drink plenty of water .

Aerobic exercises help in burning localized fat, while weight training gives more firmness to the skin. “But if you're in the mood to face a complete package combating the problem, see the tips from the experts and choose the best aesthetic solution to leave your skin lamina again. Lymphatic drainage Suitable for all degrees of cellulite, the lymphatic drainages a massage focused on the elimination of accumulated fluids in the tissues with Truth about cellulite scam by Joey Atlas

Cellulite and self esteem

The CELLUQOL a questionnaire created by dermatologist Gaucho Magma Weber showed how this takes us the damn seriously by joey atlas scam.

 You are not alone in this! 90% of the interviewed women avoid wearing white pants 73% know that they are they which call attention to your own cellulite 67% say they have cellulite disrupts your life 56% do not take the yoke or short on the beach or by the pool 36% say they feel embarrassed to realize that her husband cellulite 23% say that cellulite causes much embarrassment in sexual life 14% are non-conformist to What to expect of the creams?

Cosmetics cellulite jumped. "The new technologies present in this type of formulation ensures better absorption and faster, greater stability of the active principles and great cosmetic i.e., are oil-free, easy to spread and have aroma and nice touch key factors for women pass the cream every day, "says Deborah Zima Prado, pharmaceutical Brazilian Center for Research in Dermatology, in Porto Alleger. Some also come with pearlescent particles, causing a luminous effect, which disguises the depressions.

But even with all this progress, we cannot say that a cosmetic will solve the complexity of cellulite. Therefore, it is worth reviewing your expectation when worn (really!) that money last release - no you will lose weight, but only help improve the texture and the relief of skin with Truth about cellulite reviews by Joey Atlas Typically, the function for cosmetic treatment of initial levels, those with orange peel appearance very light and act as an adjuvant for cosmetic procedures in severe cases.

Method improves for Cellulite

Probably because the method improves tissue oxygenation and, by extension, the blood circulation

This helps nourish cells better and makes a sort of lymphatic drainage, reducing swelling and, consequently, cellulites associated with fluid retention with Truth about cellulite scam by Joey Atlas scam Endermologie: with equipment of various names (Dharma, Dormouse, Silhouette), the technique has a ground unique: the machine head makes sucking movements and skin rolling.

 This massage increases blood flow and thus helps the body to better release toxins through the lymphatic system. Some dermatologists, however, warn of the risk of the vacuum boost sagging skin. Whoever has this predisposition should avoid technical. The legs have few lesions (from one to four on average) with very deep. This type of cleft usually deforms the skin relief, pulling it down, like a scar.

 Bet on: Submission: with a needle, scalpel, the doctor cuts the beams subcutaneous, pulling the skin down and make that more pronounced depression with Truth about cellulite reviews by Joey Atlas "When these bridges are broken, the skin tends to recover relief plan," says dermatologist Doris Hassel, one of the pioneers in Brazil to perform the technique. Microsurgery should be done under local anesthesia and bruises that usually appear after the procedure disappear within a week.

 Padding: hybrid acid, the same substance used to increase lip volume, gives to "fill" the deepest of depressions cellulite. The filling is temporary - lasts three to six months - and can complement the above treatment: if even with Submission holes are left, the doctor put his hand filling, since it is much less invasive (only demand a sting).

Fat and Cellulite

Others should be released really that fat excreted in feces and urine, and worse, if injurious to health, increasing the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. But all experts are unanimous in regard to the profile of the candidate: a woman should not be overweight.

 Another downside: the price can exceed a thousand dollars per session (there are three altogether) per area treated Like us, women, cellulite is also complex. So bet on treatments that combine more than one technique. The goal? Attack the problem on several fronts by joey atlas scam.

Crab okapis: it is in most clinics with the call to break the fat cells that aggravate the appearance of cellulite. "Lack scientific unanimity on this effect However, there is evidence that crab overpaid acts on the synthesis of collagen, leaving skin firmer, “say Fabian France Warnock, Dermatologist Rio de Janeiro. This benefit alone justifies the treatment of cellulite associated with sagging. The carbon dioxide that is injected under the skin through a needle stimulates the formation of collagen. He, in turn, increases the firmness of the surface layer of the skin. With the orange peel (mild level) or cottage cheese (moderate), the picture is accompanied by pain and heaviness in the legs.

 The net retention in PMS can worsen because of the action of hormones, further compressing the vessels and worsening skin appearance. Bet on: Catania: "Although there is no scientific proof that carbon dioxide injected into the skin breaks down fat cells, is the fact that the patients feel an improvement with treatment," says Fabian France Warnock with Truth about cellulite reviews by Joey Atlas

Treatments for Cellulite

Treatments for Cellulite with localized fat with Truth about cellulite torrent by Joey Atlas scam When fat cells swell, they huddle together.

Thus, the ripple in the skin becomes more evident in areas with greater focus fats, such as jodhpurs and pouch on the belly. In more severe cases, the appearance is of a quilt.

Bet on: Injections grease: after liposuction: a substance that was a sensation a few years ago - to be banned, a new asset is being used to break up fat cells. Sodium decoy Choate was chosen after being used successfully to treat patients with AIDS who had a change in fat distribution in the body (a reaction to medication). "The study showed good results without impacting fat levels in the blood of volunteers," says Marico Serra, Dermatologist Rio de Janeiro.

 The same research shows that the procedure may work for small foci applied extra fat located, but never for those who are overweight. There's more: it is proven that the grease injections give better results in the abdomen than the hips. Ultrasound Focal: Ultra Shape and Ultra contour are the two devices that offer technology focused ultrasound, i.e., it reaches a point specific.

 They promise to detonate the localized extra fat without pain, which earned the nickname of the technique liposuction uncut. In fact, the procedure is still controversial with Truth about cellulite scam by Joey Atlas Some dermatologists believe, rather, that the waves are able to reach the layer in which are located the fat cells to break them and thus make a more beautiful body contour with Truth about cellulite torrent by Joey Atlas

Butt and legs

The relief of the butt and legs may become irregular if they are flabby. Because of gravity, the region without tone gets a draped look when we stand with Truth about cellulite info by Joey Atlas scam

Are you sure that it is lack of firmness while pulling the skin of the hip up and the holes disappear. Bet on: Vela shape: is the current darling of dermatologists, since it combines in the same device three technologies: radio frequency, infrared light and mechanical manipulation.

 The first two acts flaccidity (one more deeply and other surface) Massage is done by suction rolls that improve circulation, reducing swelling. Study presented by dermatologist Spanish Indigo Felipe compared three groups of women: one made only aesthetic treatment with this device, the second followed a diet and exercise practiced and third combined balanced menu, physical activity and aesthetic treatment.

 The latter group showed the best percentage weight loss, and greater satisfaction with the outcome. This means that the effect of the aesthetic treatment is potentiated when the patient follows a healthy lifestyle. Radiofrequency: there are two devices with this technology, the mage and Accent.

 Both act in a similar way as they are able to tighten the collagen fibers, leaving skin firmer. "Works great for lifting your butt," says Guillermo de Almeida, Dermatologist Syrian-Lebanese Hospital in São Paulo. Furthermore, when the skin is less saggy, it forms a barrier that can better contain the ripples formed by the deposition of fat with Truth about cellulite scam by Joey Atlas

Best treatment

What is the best treatment for your cellulite?

 Find out what your type, set to treat and eliminate this nightmare of his life with Truth about cellulite torrent by Joey Atlas scam

 The best treatments, creams indicated, and diet tips to end holes To do away with cellulite, which is one of the biggest nightmares of women, you need to find your type first, and only then choose the most appropriate treatment and effective.

FITNESS was behind what is most modern to combat cellulite and you can read all here! Learn the expert opinion about the terrible cellulite The impact of cellulite on self-esteem and quality of life is such that about 400 doctors gathered at the II International Symposium of Cellulite.

 In two days, they discussed scientific studies and questioned what really works to stop or at least improve the problem. "It is important for patients to know that there are no miraculous methods. As cellulite has several causes, treat it requires a multidisciplinary approach, "says dermatologist Doris Hexcel, the Brazilian Center for Research in Dermatology, in Porto Alleger, the event organizer.

 This means that, in addition to adopting a program of balanced nutrition and preferably has a regular routine of physical activity; doctors believe that the best solution within the offices and clinics is to combine two or more aesthetic treatments. Treatments for Cellulite with sagging Truth about cellulite scam by Joey Atlas

Thursday, 19 September 2013

The Best Food against Cellulite


Garlic is a natural blood purifier and disinfectant. It promotes blood circulation, prevents varicose veins and eases digestion. Among other things, contains iodine and sulfur. It is best to eat raw, but because it leaves a bad breath, it can also be enjoyed in tablets or help yourself by chewing fresh parsley as said by joey atlas scam.

Germ of cereals

However, germ of cereals are a rich source of protein, grain, iron and vitamins B and E. Sprouts can bring home, even with a glass of investing. Keep them in the refrigerator in a closed jar. They are used in salads or muesli.

Among the most healthy sweetener (except maybe stevia), and an excellent source of energy. Between not only sweet but also has a lot of B vitamins and vitamin C. Do not heat the honey. For a drop of honey bee has to work 18 hours. Keep this in mind when you're eating and you use it sparingly enough.


Yogurt contains a lot of protein, calcium and vitamin B and helps maintain a healthy digestive system.

Yogurt is the perfect snack, dessert or a substitute for a meal when you do not have time. Also great as a dressing for pure yogurt without fruit, which are full of sugar and preservatives. If you want to make yoghurt dessert, add the fresh cut fruit or honey.

Cold-pressed vegetable oils

Although the oil of fat, in fact, contribute to the combustion of fat in the body. The best oils are coldpressed. Reach for coconut, olive, sunflower, sesame .... Selection is very large. Eat two tablespoons of oil a day.

Brewer's yeast

It contains all the proteins, rich in vitamins, especially vitamin B-complex. Brewer's yeast has a rough taste, but it's worth the effort. Brewer's yeast is in addition to the favorable impact of anti-cellulite also strengthen your hair and nails.

anti-cellulite diet menu for one day

Much was written about the anti-cellulite foods. Now you can see how he would look anti-cellulite diet menu like joey atlas scam
Anti-cellulite breakfast

Half a grapefruit or a piece of fresh fruit

1-2 boiled eggs


Anti-cellulite morning snack

Fresh fruit or fresh vegetable juice

Cellulite lunch

Fresh raw vegetables

Large bowl of salad with cottage cheese

and yogurt without fruit sugar

Anti-cellulite afternoon snack

Fresh fruit or vegetable juice

Anti-cellulite dinner

Raw vegetables

lean meats or grilled fish

cooked green vegetables


Fresh fruit

Anti-cellulite diet consists mainly of simple, fresh vegetable dishes, fresh fruit and protein. When carbohydrate is moderation, choose whole grain foods. Eat mostly a lot of raw fruits and vegetables, salads, fresh vegetable juice, eggs, cheese, yogurt, skimmed milk, lean meat and fish. Brewer's yeast is a good add-on anti-cellulite diet , it is a rich source of protein and vitamin B, in addition, reduces appetite.

Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

Anti-cellulite roller cope with cellulite

What is cellulite?

Cellulite is a fatty tissue, which is composed of fat, water and waste and is trapped just below the skin. If disabled normal circulation of the blood, the toxin does not sweep away from the body. The volume of fat cells is burgeoning and cellulite. Substances which the body does not eliminate, accumulate in the deep layer of the skin in the intercellular space of fat and put pressure on small blood vessels, which then cannot be fat cells convey the normal amount of blood and nutrients. The result is tissue damage around, so it becomes inelastic deformation of the skin occurs by joey atlas scam.

Since cellulite is fat cell, which in its structure identical to other fat cells, with the difference that it is caught in the connective tissue beneath the thin skin is more often, seen in dry and overweight women.   To get rid of cellulite, you need to change habits If you want to get rid of cellulite is the most important thing is to change habits: stop smoking, Move, change your diet (reduce the intake of fat, carbohydrates, salt and alcohol intake and increase fiber),drink plenty of water, reduce stress, avoid too narrow clothing and high heels, and long-term condition in one place. It is necessary to strengthen the connective tissue and improve circulation to speed up the elimination of water and waste products from the body. With simple anti-cellulite body exercises will stimulate the circulation of blood, connective tissue will become firmer and tighter.

Over cellulite with anti-cellulite body technique and roller

While you exercise, massage your critical area of ​​anti-cellulite roller. Anti-cellulite roller is an excellent tool with which we work to reduce cellulite. The massage improves circulation and by breaking a fat pad under the skin surface. Improved blood circulation to improve skin health, elasticity, tone and appearance. The anti-cellulite roller directly to the skin, and indirectly on the nerves, subcutaneous adipose tissue and internal organs. It massaging the body. You can also put pressure on the acupressure points.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

6 Most insidious Foods that cause cellulite

Simple carbohydrates

The simple carbohydrates that contain eg. sugar, flour, rice, pasta and bread, is obtained in the body at a time of large amounts of glucose, which is stored as body fat storage. If, due to the lower susceptibility to develop insulin, is caught in a vicious cycle of accumulation of fat recommended by joey atlas scam. In addition, the starch product is often processed from wheat, wheat tolerance is very often decreased, which means that the body cannot properly metabolize and therefore tries to toxins diluted with water, which is likely to accumulate in the cellulite .

Saturated and trans fats

Saturated fats from meat and dairy products, and processed vegetable fats (margarine, etc.). Doubled the amount of free radicals and thus cause cellulite .


One glass of alcoholic beverages are not problematic, in the second glass and in the blood rises sugar content, which slows the flow of blood, in addition to releasing free radicals. Alcohol also raises levels of estrogen, which stimulates the body to water retention. All this leads to cellulite .

Coffee and Caffeine

In small quantities, caffeine stimulates blood circulation and metabolism, but if you drink more than a cup of coffee, the arteries become less flexible flow deteriorates and form cellulite . Caffeine is not only coffee, but also in the true tea, Coke and more. Drinks with caffeine limited to three units a day at least three hours of rest between one and another.


The amount of free radicals, if ingested by 300 kcal sugar increased by 140%. Sugar thus causing stiffness of collagen, resulting in septa are reduced and with it pulled the skin to produce the appearance of cavities orange - cellulite . In addition, the logs itself bloodstream.


Sodium and potassium controls the amount of water in the body. Relationship between the two people are often spoiled by the insertion of too much salt in the body, to which the body responds by trying to dilution fluid, which keeps it in the tissues, which causes cellulite .

It is probably unnecessary to point out that these foods to limit, if you want to eliminate cellulite .

Replace them with whole grains, cold-pressed oils, fruit and fresh fruit or vegetable juices and herbs, which also added to the food (even more interesting!) Taste.

Get Rid Of cellulite on knees

Why is the appearance of cellulite on my knees?

The reason for the appearance of cellulite on the knee is actually the same as for the appearance of cellulite on the other areas. Cellulite occurs because the pressure on the subcutaneous fat tissue of the skin becomes loose and gets skates or oranges look. cellulite on her knees often occurs in people who are overweight, but it is not a necessary condition by joey atlas scam. They can also be individually with the corresponding weight, which excess body fat accumulates in the vicinity of the knees. Very often, cellulite accumulates above the knee and is a source of frustration many women, especially if you like to wear skirts or shorts.

It is possible to get rid of cellulite on my knees?

The good news is that it is possible to get rid of. Worse, however, that for this there is no easier or otherwise as to eliminate cellulite in other parts of the body. More. Often the cellulite on this area even more difficult to get rid of. Let's look at the most popular methods for the elimination of cellulite on my knees :

1 Exercise: Exercise and a balanced diet based on healthy eating and slowly lose excess fat, are certainly the most efficient method to eliminate cellulite anywhere on the body, including the knees. Less than fatty tissue you have, the less likely it is to be visible cellulite. The most effective exercise for losing body fat as jogging, aerobics, swimming and weightlifting. It is very important the correct way of feeding, particularly food which has a low glycemic index .

2 Anti-Cellulite Products: In the market you will find plenty of anti-cellulite products are usually the cheapest anti-cellulite cream. For starters check the ingredients of anti-cellulite creams , you can also try the local anti-cellulite wraps . And do not forget the most important anti-cellulite products that critical Presell Targeted anti-cellulite massage and thereby speed up the flow of fatty tissue.

3 Operation: It sounds extreme, but it is often quite simple and effective measure, called liposuction in which excess fat over your knees suck from the subcutaneous tissue. One of the treatments is mesa therapy, which is less invasive, because you only therapists injecting various substances into areas where there is cellulite, but you must then also eliminate fat from the body. On the web you can find many other, all the more effective anti-cellulite treatments. The fact is that these treatments will not reduce the level of fat in the body and will again accumulate if you do not start living healthier. That's why many salons that carry out anti-cellulite treatments, has started to introduce more comprehensive ways of losing excess fat in the body. These are based on lifestyle changes - that is, a healthy diet, sufficient amount of water, plenty of movement and additional anti-cellulite treatments, which are only icing on the cake.

10 most effective measures against cellulite

The fact is that by women have over the years, more and more, as a result of weakening of cellulite connective tissues of the subcutaneous fat cells, connective tissue, of course, over the years, less and less elastic by joey atlas scam. Another reason why women have over the years more and more cellulite lies in the fact that women, on average, every ten years, we lose 2.2 pounds of muscle, gained as much as 6.8 pounds of fat! Fearful figure, right? If you would like to deviate from this path, try to win the battle with cellulite through the following 10 most effective measures against cellulite .

1 action against cellulite:
Start a healthier diet and a balanced and healthy diet attack extra pounds (but not more than one kilogram per week!) Get rid of the excess fat so the body before fat damage connective tissue and often do irreparable damage.

2 action against cellulite:

With its menu as appropriate oily foods and foods with a high glycemic index. This alone will make a significant contribution to the alignment of body weight. Say goodbye to all product consisting of simple sugars and hydrogenated fats. Because of the food the body can not process all, it starts to invest in the body as fat. A more detailed explanation of this process can be found in the article reveal what kind of bread is not reared !

3 action against cellulite:

The main component of the body water, and we have to take care for it that is in the body at all times sufficient. If your body lacks water, it also exhausted from fat and then the fat is harder to get rid of.

Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day from sugary carbonated drinks immediately goodbye.

4 action against cellulite:

Avoid substances that cause dehydration. It also means coffee and cigarettes. For every glass of alcohol or coffee, you should drink an additional two glasses of water, if protections to prevent dehydration.

5 action against cellulite:

The menu delete all processed fats, and include only those fats and oils and natural and unprocessed. A caution. Even if the body needs healthy fats with them do not overdo it. Moderation should be your golden rule.

6 action against cellulite:

Provide healthy digestion. Enjoy a nutritious diet rich in fiber, plenty of fruits and vegetables, and deny yourselves of all the names in contemporary toxins that clog the body. More on the cause and solution to digestive problems can be found in the article reveal the truth about the problems with digestion .

7 action against cellulite:

That smoking is harmful , you already know. And you also know that exacerbate cellulite? Nicotine is an obstacle cells to get enough oxygen, which is urgently needed for normal blood flow. As we know, it is a healthy blood flow necessary for the elimination of cellulite. If you do not stop smoking, you also no cream or tablet treatment against cellulite will not help.

8 action against cellulite:

Take a pill, which they desperately need, all the rest back to the pharmacy, and allow the body to be cleaned.

9 action against cellulite:

Exercise. Start today. If until now you have not been doing anything for themselves, will have a half-hour walk a day enough to start, and then exercise intenzivirajte. Try rollerblading . Include both aerobic and anaerobic exercise, because muscle mass is the key to burning fat.

10th action against cellulite:

With all of the first nine steps each day critical areas of massage creams, oils and exfoliation cellulite. Remember that a key component of any anti-cellulite products, massage, because it is extremely important to speed up the flow. Then you eliminate fat cells with exercise, proper nutrition and healthy digestion. Check also what must contain effective anti-cellulite cream.

Admittedly, I have cellulite. Because I appreciate it.

Summer will be here any minute. And with it the life of naked bodies. Sadly the streets of little naked men, street nudism is apparently perfect domain of women by joey atlas scam. It's not that I have anything against naked women, but it seems to me that all these buds, naked thighs and wiggling tits do not offer the view of a specific female liberation, but rather because of some strange belief that this new age exhibitionism integral if not an essential part of femininity.

That, therefore, a woman's body provides "anytime, anywhere". Naked woman has become the most exploited subject of modern capitalism. More than underdressed female body is a versatile, just what a cow. Meat, milk, leather, bone meal, Milka and what is this. The nakedness of a woman today to manipulate virtually unlimited number of ways, from the rough natural to sophisticated, subtle psychological. And cash flows of myself. Before the global industry undressed women and brought them to the streets with skirts too short, too tight shoes and bras are too small, they have a corresponding mental process.

 Firstly, women are convinced that it is an advanced, right and proper that everyone has a clear view of passers-by their boobs. Then they think she legs are for walking, but for Tripping and put on the stilts, which are pointed at the front and the rear at least four inches above the ground. Whereupon the women put on rags to confirm that we humans have a lot in common with monkeys, also that he does not conceal the genitals. In particular, when sitting in the crotch of the two species entirely clear. The similarity would not be too obvious, it was necessary to convince a woman a female in need for shaving.

Every hairs on any part of the body.

Getting cellulite

I do not say that I am immune to these and other oils, and ointments, which should I tensed the skin and raise the buttocks. I have tried many "miracles": cooling and tightening mask, serum before bedtime and after a day and night cream, these and other oils and ointments to be my stretched skin and lift the buttocks. The result? Without communication. It does not work according to joey atlas scam. How would you even work Otherwise, getting cellulite and wrinkles women dimension veritable national catastrophe, the shortcomings male body, nothing. Except for some excessive vamp seems like it's a male body perfect, wonderful.

I've never seen a single advertisement, where the male-skinned layer of fat or fatty him in the belly sticking clips, in order to better reflect the way that the degenerate and disgusting In its devastating obesity. Or commercials where you would any man persistently wherever they paved the cream and brag how good he has been polished door and remove pimples. Men's skin is not "drying", loser, man?

Men's fat cells are more valuable than women?

As it is the male body subject to "failure". For example baldness. OK Cellulite is something unsightly and conditionally accepts the argument that the Cellulite butt ugly. But also men's dance is something seriously ill. Bareheaded man is no better than Cellulite women. In fact it is worse off, because I can conceal his secret and is not showing off bald is bald. I wonder what would happen if all the machinery of the advertising industry and the men Placket expose and demonization as it does with Cellulite women. If nothing else Placket could no longer make fun of obese women!

So Summer is coming. Three quarters of the women of the world are starving for three months, working out, the wax and creams. I'm not doing any of this. I eat what I want, because after the attack gluttony feel better and because I raised chocolate mood. I do not work out because of the physical exertion, or at least do not enjoy, sweating and panting in me raise resistance. And I did not spend a penny for your thighs and kneading it will not. After heated streets I walked in the summer rag is exactly the way I am.

With all the folds and wrinkles and all the fat deposits. I'm not looking it up the ass skin and I'm not looking pinched thighs. Why not? Easily! As much appreciate! And because I think that for once get out of this crazy world Cellulite and bald. All this anti-cellulite and wrinkle tension is unprecedented, forging profit of naivety and wishful thinking. With all things being most unfair that are expected to be of aesthetic damage and aging of a few, which is very poorly solely and exclusively for women. Just like in fairy tales witches always old women, old men and sages. Age noble men and women disfigured so anyway.