Saturday 24 May 2014

1. Ankle joint passes

Interestingly, in this moment strain on the heel vertically approximately 70% of our body weight (BW). Activities are taken over the front of the lower leg muscles. Phase full contact: As you can see from the picture (arrow 2), ankle joint passes at the moment of dorms inflexion (toe points to the legs) in plantar flexion (the peak). The load is at the moment pushes through direct load longitudinal arch (red arrow) forward to the head first metatarsal, i.e. the thumb, and it ranges from approximately 120% TH. Well, sometimes it gets our foot pretty hard about that? Yet our vault but the burden can prevent certain period of time thanks to the little that are downloaded (pictured marked P), which prevents the collapse of the arch, and also absorbs shocks. The second leg is at this point in the swing phase and passes the standing leg. The vertical load is reduced to 80% of the. The center of gravity moving along an imaginary sinusoid is in the highest position. Pelvis and lower limb externally rotated. Phase dump heel and reflection: influence of external rotation leads to inversion of the foot (feet for thumb dial up), thereby activating the short leg muscles and increases the longitudinal arch of the foot. Group activities are taken over the back of the lower leg muscles to brake the movement of the lower leg forward. M. triceps sore clamping the Achilles tendon to the heel must develop, for example, up to 20% more power than the weight of the body. (Vela, 1997) have an important role and plantar flexors inches which prevents collapse of the vault.

Thursday 10 October 2013

Skin Care - Green Tea Benefits for Natural skin care

Any logical tea drinker will look at green tea and agree that it is good to drink, especially in the flavors available. However, green tea is much more than just flavored water in a cup. It has grown much faster to grow its ability to help you continue to be healthy. for those who are not convinced that green tea is good for you, why not look beyond the benefits of drinking it.

Green tea also benefits the skin, helps you to maintain a healthier and more youthful appearance. many healthy benefits from drinking green tea is well established now. Many believe consuming green tea will prolong your life. The powerful antioxidants found in green tea has been shown to be effective in cancer prevention of some types of cancer. But did you know consuming green tea also benefits your skin. green tea diet - medical claims in Thailand, India, Japan and China, green tea has been used as a medicine for various conditions from helping digestion to healing wounds.

But while many in the medical field proclaim the wonders of this much talked about tea, others are quick to point out that there is little or no evidence to support at least some claims. one of the more popular drinks have been attracting people's attention is the green tea. Aside from the usual hot green tea, big soft drink manufacturers and beverage companies are offering cold diet green tea as an alternative to soda and other unhealthy drinks. In fact, multinational beverage groups are fusing and mixing green tea with other fruit flavors to give people more choices. what is probably on everyone's mind now is whether green tea diet is here for good or it is just one of the drink craze of the moment?

Another issue that is worth discussing is whether green tea is very good for you. the secret of green tea lies in the fact that it is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is a powerful anti-oxidant: besides inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, it kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. It is effective in lowering LDL cholesterol levels, and inhibiting the abnormal formation of blood clots.

The latter is taken added importance when you consider that thrombosis (the formation of abnormal blood clots) is the leading cause of heart attack and stroke. benefit of green tea as a benefit of green tea that it prevents serious diseases that plague a lot of people today. Green tea is rich in antioxidants to lower your risk of getting rheumatoid arthritis and some types of cancer, particularly cancer of the esophagus. green tea is also effective in eliminating heartburn, easing bladder problems and fighting off viruses .

Furthermore, some studies have found that regular consumption of green tea can increase your levels of good cholesterol. green tea is not only effective in fighting off the virus, but it is also used by Chinese herbalist killing bacteria that causes tooth decay and food poisoning.

This is probably why Asian people drink hot green tea after meals. whether you want to delay your aging process and improve the quality of your skin, you can also try consuming green tea every day. It is not surprising that many skin care products ¨ C from moisturizers to body lotions and perfumes to cellulite creams ¨ C now using green tea as an active ingredient. how much green tea is right for you? to Depending on the time that you listen to. Some Chinese homeopathic health practitioners call for 10 cups a day, while some health researchers say that 2 to 3 cups will do the trick.

When you look at all the different research, and take the average, 4 to 5 eight ounce cups of green tea per day should be enough for most good people. whether you want to take green tea, or find the process of brewing green tea to be more that you are willing to go through 4 to 5 times per day, with companies creating "green tea capsules" that contain doses of EGCG . It's been said that anything that does not kill you makes you stronger. because no one has found any instances of "death by green tea", it certainly will not do you any harm (and it just might do you some good), to introduce green tea into your life. beauty Benefits Traditionally, many types of make-up, lotions, creams and beauty preparations have used chemical antioxidants, or vitamins A, C and E preservatives for their products.

Now, research suggests that green tea has more antioxidant properties than these powerful vitamins, there is a surge in products capitalizing on its inherent benefits. skin benefits of green tea there are a number of encouraging studies of skin benefits of green tea. Animal studies showed protection from skin cancer.

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How Effective is Green Tea in Natural Weight Loss?

If you want to loose weight without taking any weight loss pills or cellulite treatment, and then there are also some beautiful natural weight loss treatment.

One of the most popular among them is taking green tea. It is considered very effective herbal remedy for weight loss. You will be surprised to know that now a day's people have just started sipping green tea to keep themselves fit and slim. green tea helps you lose weight by boosting your metabolic rate, the regulations your blood sugar, suppressing your appetite and gives you someone other high calorie, high sugar coffee beverage to drink in the morning. benefit of green tea on weight loss ?

Green tea increases body metabolism. in a report, it was found that green tea extract resulted in a significant increase in energy expenditure. The researchers also concluded that that over a 24-hour period, green tea extract increases the metabolic rate by 4%. ? Health experts also reports that green tea inhibits fat absorption and helps glucose regulation. This will help slow the rise in blood sugar after a meal. This prevents high insulin spikes (lots of insulin promotes fat storage) and the subsequent fat storage. ? Green tea also helps to reduce appetite. It is highly effective in loosing body weight. So it is very good if you want natural weight loss. ? Green tea also is the best substitute for morning coffee or tea.

Every morning you unknowingly take mega-calories in the form of tea or coffee. Try to replace it with green tea. thus there are four ways that green tea can help you with weight loss. And you'll definitely notice the difference in your waistline after a few weeks. Health specialists recommend 3 ¨ C 5 cups of green tea per day is optimal. This will help you burn approximately 70 extra calories per day which amounts to 7 pounds per year. But before you start taking green tea you should consult your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only.

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Why we are not all made equally

The theory of body type or "somatypes" unisex categorizes basic human body types: the endomorph,
characterized by an abundance of body fat: the mesomorph, marked by a well-developed lean, muscle, and the ectomorph, distinguished by a lack of either much fat or muscle tissue. body type has been around fitness and bodybuilding circles for decades.

It was pioneered by American physician, dr. William H. Sheldon around 1940. DR. Sheldon's original body type that again in recent years. ectomorphs became "thyroids"; endomorphs became "lymphatics" and mesomorphs turned to "androids". trunk of a new type of category is created too. This is called gynaeoid ("guy-noid") body type and it applies to women only. new kind of classification in the body, gynaeoid ("guy-noid") body type is characterized by " excess estrogens promote fat deposition around the lower part of the body as well as cellulite ".

"Pear-shaped" is an accurate description for gynaeoid body type. gynaeoids likely to have small to medium shoulders and the breasts to vary in size. The hips and thighs curve outwards and weight gain occurs only below the waist. actress-singer Jennifer Lopez is the poster child for gynaeoid body type. gynaeoid women tend to have a predominance of estrogen target uterine region, hips, thighs and breasts. whether weight loss is attempted by following a very low fat low calorie diet, a reduction from the breasts, shoulders and arms and so on, losing pounds and inches from lower region is more difficult. contrast, the android or mesomorph body type is characterized by broad shoulders, a large rib cage and strong shapely muscular limbs. has no chance to android is synonymous the androgyny: android women tend to be "young" in the hip area. they are shaped more like leaders than an hour-glass.

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New year, new body

If your body feels tired, heavy, tired, or just plain "both," and then have fun! It's a New Year, and time for a new body. Our body cells of most living an average of once a year. each year means that you have completely new body. question is' how do you use your body's annual cellular transformation to create the body you want? Here are some quick tips on how you can have a new body in the new year (especially if you want to lose weight):

Enzyme Therapy: Studies show that taking enzymes between meals (apart before eating) will help to reduce the fat and toxins stored in your body. Just take 2-4 capsules of health Simplexity regular or extra enzymes between meals and watch the difference in your energy levels and fat! see yourself as you want to be: Studies from Harvard and other research facility shows that visualization has the power to change the way we look and feel. Stop looking in the mirror for a few months and spend your time visualizing how you want your body to look and feel instead. Your mind, which directs your body does not know the difference between what you see in the mirror and what you see in your mind's eye.

Try it this technique works for major league athletes, why not for you? move your lymph: If you've got large areas of fat buildup in your body, use the manual to an automated massager massage or put movement in the area. studies show that most of the fat and cellulite are actually lymph gotten stuck. move the lymph / to fat heart with massage and you will be pleasantly surprised at how well it reminds the body to get rid of fat. thighs for you, consider using a rolling pin, rolling from knee to hip.

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The most natural beauty receipt

Now the whole world is returned to a natural way of life. and it is not surprising, that all the leading cosmetic manufacturers include certain vegetable extracts and oils in their creams' compositions. leading experts in Thalassotherapy keep inventing new programs, using a variety of plants and minerals. other surprising thing is: if one looks carefully, he'll be at the heart of this beauty industry millions lies nothing but good old receipts, secret hereditary herbals and native doctors.

Moreover, a modern attitude towards a beauty care (spa-philosophy as a complex approach to internal and external human condition, a theory of biorhythms and physiological type)? All this is based on ancient human rituals and traditional concepts about the human body. we pay a special attention to our way of life and inner senses. and receipts remain the same, we use the same plant, which has been keeping the beauty of women for many thousands of years. fruit extracts, flower essential oils, concentrated medicinal roots, crushed spices? The entire cooking cosmetic alchemy came to us from ancient days. and now it is quite time to use it in our goals? With its help we can recreate almost all the methods of a spa-salon at home. and if other people suspect us of our addiction to magic or attempting to find a most unique cuisine, we answer bravely taking care of one's appearance including the same reason, however, it is an art, mainly.

So, arm yourself with a mixer and cook your own elixir of eternal youth! kind of flower: it can be used fresh and dried? added to baths and steam baths, used as an compresses and decoctions. syrup: it excellently suitable for masks, casing and as a basis for a gentle scrub. it softens and smoothes. eggs: add them in the face, body and hair masks. nourish yolks, whites pull and clear skin. Oatmeal: Clears and softens skin, a wonderful base for scrub and nourishing masks. salt: sound up, takes the excess fluid in the skin and saturates minerals. a bath with sea salt prepares the skin for other procedures. Turmeric: It is traditionally considered a spice girl. a good foundation for the masks and scrubs. has a healing effect. SUGAR: you can add it to body scrubs to polish and soften your skin.

Cucumber: is moistening, cooling and slightly astringent properties. is used in masks and compresses. OIL: a vegetable oil suitable for massage and nourishing masks. apple-blossom face tonic (refreshes and heals) you will need: - 1 peeled apple - 1 tea-spoon of honey - 2 drops of Lemon essential oil - Fresh rose petals crush an apple to receive an apple sauce, add honey and petals, and then boil the water. leave for 20 minutes. Add essential oil and apply to a clean face with a cotton tampon. Wash off in 10-15 minutes. could use the receipt for your steam bath. pour this mixture boiled water, cover your head with a towel and breathe scented head during 10-15 minutes. You can change the color rose petals by some collection of dry medicinal herbs or a common tea. baths and scubs ... will help clean and refresh your skin, and scents of herbs and oils will raise your spirits. salt foot bath (refreshes and deodorizes) you will need: - 200 g of sea salt - Dried chamomile - Sage - mint leaves boiled with herbs 2 glasses of water and leave for a while.

Dissolve sea salt in warm water in a tub or a basin and add your decoction there. dip your feet in it for about 10 minutes. Then massage your feet with a sugar scrub olive. olive sugar hand scrub (peels and nourishes) you will need: - 1 tea-spoon of sugar - 1 tea-spoon of olive oil (you can also add around, salt or spices) Mix all the ingredients right in your palm. Massage your hands and other parts of callous skin with scrub.

If you replace the sugar with large sea salt, and then you will receive an excellent remedy for anti-cellulite massage. and some cinnamon, cloves crushed or mint will help you to improve blood circulation and increase skin tone. Rinse your skin with water after massage. flowers, herbs bath before going to bed (calms down and softens) you will need: - A hand dry lavender - A hand of chamomile flower - 1 small package of valerian root collection. Mix all herbs, put them in a pack linen and lace. put this package under warm water stream and fill your bath. You can also boil herbs, filter and add to your bath. balsams and wrappings body massage steamed in a fragrant balsam scrub.

Take a contrast shower and anti-cellulite wrapping. Shower Balm from Java island (peels and smooths) you will need: - 3/4 glass of sugar - 2 tea-spoons of turmeric - 1/3 glass of vegetable oil - a pinch of vanilla and a few drops of essential oil Mix all the ingredients to receive a spread. Take a warm shower and massage your skin to spread. take a shower, run your skin with a sponge saturated with kefir, and rinse again.

Do not be afraid if turmeric yellow color gives your skin? hot water will wash it clean. Do not use this scrub if your skin is sensitive or damaged. fruits hair balm (renews and nourishes) you will need: - Juice of 2 oranges - Pulp of? apple -? bananas - 1 teaspoon of caraway-seed Mix all ingredients in a blender. Rub the mixture into clean wet hair. leave for 20 minutes. Cover your hair with warm towel for better results. and then rinse with warm water carefully and wash your hair with shampoo. anti-cellulite wrap (strengthens and smoothes skin) you will need: - 1 small package of dry kaolin (pharmaceutical one) - 5 drops of lemon , orange or mandarin essential oil - 2 table-spoons of cinnamon dissolve kaolin in water and stir up well.

Add cinnamon and essential oils. apply to the problem areas, massage and food cover film. Put on some warm cloth and wrap in a blanket for about 20-30 minutes, then rinse with water kaolin. professional technique takes excessive fluid out of your cells and reduces water retention and roughness immediately. facial compresses and masks close your eyes and think about something beautiful.

Let this refreshing mask cause to find even a minute for yourself! mask of oatmeal (sensitive skin calms down) you will need: - 1 tea-spoon of oatmeal - 1 tea-spoon of cream - 2 tea-spoons of water - of salt Mix all ingredients and apply to your face for 10 minutes. massage and then slowly mask and rinse with warm water. This will help to smooth wrinkles old receipts and cal down all irritations. cucumber, honey compress (softens dry skin) you will need: - 3 tablespoons honey - 10 drops of lemon juice - 1 cucumber cooled this eastern return receipt freshness and clarity to your skin.

Add lemon juice with honey, apply on your face and massage during 5 minutes. Do not wash off. then put slices of cucumber on your face and neck. have a break for 15 minutes. A luxurious balm banana (cleans and nourishes) you will need: -? banana - 1 tea-spoon of fresh cream - 1 tea-spoon of honey mash bananas with a fork to receive the extract. Warm cream, mix with honey and pour into a banana puree. Apply this mask on your face and neck, leave for 15-20 minutes and then wash off with warm water. masks almond milk (neutralizes oily shine) You will need: - 5-6 shelled almonds - 4 tea-spoon of oatmeal -? Cucumber - 1-2 tea-spoons of dry loam is a great remedy for skin joint. First of all, cook almond cream: Pour the nuts? glass of cool boiled water, then crush in a blender.

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Celebrity Beauty Secrets

So you want to look like a star? already does? It is really too delicate to stir up and have someone other than unease about your hair and makeup. celebrities have people who truly work is to help renowned faces look their best. provide entertaining actresses, airstrip models, even pop stars all depend on their looks. making the advertisers want to feature close-up of crows feet? request to see the cellulite on the big partition? teen idols should look small and fresh so their listeners will want to be like them. Its their job great. missing a beautichubbyy packaged look, they're out of work. thus the work they do. their work in their beauty. and so can you.

But, you dont have beauty professionals at your beck and call Oh, but you do. 's just not the same celebrities do. you are important to a cast of beauty professional, too. deserve and not a luxury impossible to provide. People think your beauty and, if you slowly, you will have a professional looking out for you, take care you till the time the best products, flags and techniques offered for you. know how you want the right people? use only professional mainly find something you like.

If you are looking for a natural look, look-up for hair and make successchubbyy engineers achieve that look. whether they can do it for themselves, they can show a good example you the same techniques it has. whether you want to play the sleek and sophisticated, use an engineer has its own special elegance impresses you. department store makeup counter salespeople use them. You dont need to buy any of their products, unless you want to.

But what they can edify you at no cost is something you should really get help. they are apposite qualified procedures and they are up on the hottest trends. independent beauty consultants national Night catalog in your mailbox is a good mine dreams. motivate her and let her give you a makeover. again, you are not obliged to grasp but one thing that really want it. hairdressers hairelegances time change, so should your engineer. if shes not engineers presence or altering his own hairelegance, shes not as professional as you deserve. them, you now your man. what stars do when they're at home people, not stars? beauty catnap him not a myth.

Get yours. no caffeine or caffeine narrow if you must. This causes premature aging, and who necessitys that? sparkle creams and bronzers help stars shine. eating fish such as sardines and salmon. they are chubby of essential oils to really take care of your skin. never smoking not only it bad for your energy, it causes defenses and turbidity in your skin. Your skin care regime it does not need flashy. 's your products can be derived from the native drug store.

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